Braaaaaaain Cake.

As the snow starts to fly and holiday lights start to twinkle, I thought I would share a special cake with all of you.  It’s a braaaaaaaain!

Um…what?  Wrong holiday, you say?  Don’t worry, I know Halloween is over.  But this wasn’t a Halloween cake, this was for an eight-year-old girl’s birthday party.  Every little girl dreams of a realistic brain cake for her birthday, right?  Well, this one did!  She is a very cool kid, who threw a very cool “mad science” themed birthday party, and this cake was at the centre of it all.




I’ve pretty much always got cake on the brain, but this time it was cake AS a brain.  🙂  What do you think – fun?  It’s shiny!  Gross?  You have to perform a lobotomy to serve it.  Awesome?  It’s braaaaaaains!!  Well – it’s certainly tasty, whatever else it may be!